Saturday, August 6, 2011

Following Up on a Resume Sent for an Advertised Position

It is always critical to follow up on a resume submitted for an advertised position. While time-consuming, it shows the potential employer that you are serious about the position and dedicated to your search. Some will call it pushy- but in the current job market, you have to push a bit to get responses. 

The following is a template/example to use as a follow-up letter. As with all templates, because every situation is different, you can add or delete to it as appropriate:

Follow up letter

For following up on résumés sent for advertised positions

Date 00, 200X

Contact Name
Company Name
Company Address

Dear Mr./Mrs. ________,

On DAY/MONTH/YEAR, I forwarded a copy of my résumé and credentials in response to your position advertised as ____________________.  To date, I have not received any word of response. Again, I would like to invite the opportunity for us to meet in person and discuss my potential value for this position. 

In review of the attached résumé, you will find that I am highly capable of performing this role and associated functions as your needs may indicate. I will follow up with your office by telephone on DAY OF THE WEEK, DATE between 1:00pm and 4:30pm to ensure that you have received my materials and to discuss the position. In the meantime, I can be reached at (555) 555-1234 if you wish to contact me in advance.

I have also included my résumé copy for your convenience. Thank you, once again, for your time and careful consideration. 
Sincerely Yours,



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