Monday, August 22, 2011

Follow-Up Phone Scripts

Most job seekers do not follow up with employers regarding their resumes. We are usually encouraged not to contact employers at all- you know, the "don't call us, we'll call you" feedback that we sense from employers. However, in the current economy, sometimes simply sending in your resume and waiting for the phone to ring is not enough. Some may advocate an email follow-up, but for the strongest impact, phone calls work best.

Below are some sample scripts to use:

Receptionist              This is Mr/s, how may I help you? (Make note of his/her name)

Caller                         Good afternoon name, this is Mr/s Jones calling for Mr/s Interviewer

Receptionist              I’m sorry, Mr/s Interviewer is not available, would you like their voicemail?    

Caller                        Well…   When would be a better time to call?

Receptionist             I don’t have their schedule available, but Mr/s Interviewer is always in and out all day.

Caller                        Would it be possible to leave him/her personal message at his/her desk?

Receptionist             Perhaps, but I would also recommend leaving a voice message.  

Caller                     Ok, again, my name is Firstname Jones and I can be reached at (555) 555-1234. You may transfer me to the voicemail also if you wish.  Thank you very much!

Receptionist               This is Mr/s, how may I help you? (Make note of his/her name)

Caller                          Good afternoon name, this is Mr/s Jones calling for Mr/s Interviewer

Receptionist               Please hold and I’ll connect you.     

Interviewer                This is Mr. Interviewer.

Caller                      Good afternoon, Mr. Interviewer, we haven’t spoken before, but I forwarded you a cover letter and copy of my résumé on date and I wanted to make sure that you received it.

Interviewer                We will be reviewing résumés for that position next week and we will get back to you if we feel that you are a good fit.        

Caller                       Terrific.  I would like to follow up with you near the end of next week to see how the selection process and schedule is working out.  How would next Friday at 2:00 be?

Interviewer             I’m not sure right at the moment, but my receptionist will be able to take a message should I be unavailable.

Caller                          It has been a pleasure speaking with you.  Thank you very much!

Receptionist               This is Mr/s, how may I help you? (Make note of his/her name)

Caller                         Good afternoon name, this is Mr/s Jones calling for Mr/s Interviewer, I spoke with you last week.

Receptionist              I’m sorry, Mr/s Interviewer is not available, would you like their voicemail?    

Caller                   If you don’t mind, I would like to try reaching him tomorrow afternoon, he’s expecting my call.

Receptionist               Would you like for me to give him a message?      

Caller                  Sure, again, my name is First name Jones and I can be reached at (555) 555-1234.   Thank you very much!

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