Monday, July 25, 2011

Evaluating your Job Search Performance

How are you "performing" on your current job search? Are you utilizing as many strategies as possible to locate opportunities and secure interviews? Job search is a complex process that offers numerous possibilities and approaches- which can leave someone somewhat confused and exasperated as to the best paths to follow. Keeping track of our job search activities is important- and so is evaluating our performance.

Use the following chart to analyze your job search performance:

Resume Distribution

1. Number of resumes sent directly to advertised positions

   a. Cover letter accompanied resume on    each submission? [Yes/No]

   b. Number of follow-up phone calls made for    advertised positions

2. Names of web sites used as sources for job ads (e.g.,,,, niche sites)

3. Names of search engines used to find ads on company web sites (e.g. Google, Yahoo, MSN)

4. Names of registered boards used in job search (e.g. The Ladders, LinkedIn)

5. Number of resumes sent directly to companies without an advertised position (cold call-type of submissions)

   a. Cover letter accompanied resume on    each submission? [Yes/No]

   b. Number of follow-up phone calls made for    non-advertised positions


1. Number of recruiters used in job search and the names of the firms/recruiters

2. Comments from recruiters regarding resume, cover letter, and job search strategies (the more specific, the better)

3. Continual contact with recruiters? (Yes/No)

Additional Questions

1.      Are you applying for jobs outside of your geographical area?

2.      For any positions outside of your geographical area, does your resume clearly state “Planning Relocation” at the top?

3.      Have you noticed any requirements mentioned in ads that you do not meet? Please list as many of these as possible.

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